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5 Ways to Manage an Over Full Life

Growing up a middle child of 7, I have always been good at diverting my attention from one thing to another for the benefit of all involved. I learned at a very young age to be interested in so many different activities and to help others reach their goals by genuinely being a part of their experience.

I think with that, plus my desires to continually strive to find better ways to do things, has lead me to working so many different ventures and I am having the time of my life doing it. I never felt like I was meant for a corporate cubical 8am – 6pm live style as I have so much more in me to give than sitting all day, eating, and taking calls.

So I started working on my own businesses. I tried doing just one but I think I got bored – an adult onset of ADHD possibly – as I feel life is too short to limit oneself in this lifetime. The first venture I started this year was my Virtual Assistance business. Helping others market their Facebooks, Twitter, Blogs, and other Social Media as well as some Administrative Duties as assigned has created a constant change in pace and scenery as I go from one business to the next learning all of the inside lingo from Neuro Linguistic Programming, to BioFeedback, Quad and ATV repair, Beautiful Beaded Watches and even on to Finances and Investing. I love learning about them all!!

And yet, that wasn’t enough. My passion was not only helping woman business owners manage their business, I also have a passion for Empowering Women through self development and bringing their inner beauty outwards. So I naturally started a Mary Kay business and I LOVE IT!!!! I have never been happier with a business of my own!

I then added a FREE lecture series for Women Empowerment with lectures this year on Financial Fun in September, Fashion Tips and Advice in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness in October and Holiday Travel Safety in November. All classes will have free prizes and fun for all involved.

So how do I keep all of this plus 2 girls and a wonderful boyfriend all in tact and on target? The answers may surprise you.

1. Keep Organized – this seems like a no brainer but when the projects start rolling in this starts becoming a challenge! I have a calendar by my side at all times and I put all appointments in my Blackberry phone for reminders as well. I also dedicate 1 hour every Sunday to organize and plan out my week.

2. Ask for Help – ok, I have little girl syndrome pretty bad and can “do it all by myself and I don’t need anyone’s help”. Ever. This was my mentality and I still have a hard time asking for help. However, once I learned that people generally actually like helping others (this is the whole reason I am in business is because I like helping others – so why wouldn’t it be the same for other people?). Let others help, they like it.

3. Have a System – Each business I run, including my family, has a system – a schedule of events or a documented process for each project or duty I have assigned to me. Putting the system together can take some time and effort, but I promise, once this system in in place it can be added to or subtracted from but it is important for the consistency needed for business.

4. Take Time Out for Fun – I used to think that if I worked from 5am until midnight I could concur the world. Turns out I just ruin my body, mind, spirit and hurt the ones I love. I know never allow myself to work that long and make sure that my schedule and processes are in place and that they include quality time with family and myself. I have actually been getting a lot more done and working less. Weird.

5. Meditate – This is the one I knew most people would find bizarre for business. Taking time to relax, clear your mind and start your day connected to Source has made all the difference in my business, my relationships and my personal sanity. The days I do not meditate it is almost like night and day and I swear my boyfriend thinks I haven’t taken my meds one those days :) . Connecting with your Source through meditation/prayer is the highest form of productivity and peaceful, prosperous business I have ever incorporated into my business.

So there it is. How I keep myself running, playing and laughing through the ups and the downs. Just relax and breathe, in the end it was all just a fun game anyways.

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About the Author

Tamra Carter, Heart Path Solutions, Inc.
PO Box 482
Washington, UT 84780

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