7 Marketing Ideas for Funeral Homes
By Trinity Funeral Funding - Insurance Assignments for Funeral Homes
Families prefer to celebrate the life of the beloved rather than mourning their loss. Marketing efforts get better results when focused on celebrating life, rather than mourning. Celebrating a life make it easier to market your services, but it may also help families deal with the loss by giving them a more positive perspective on death.
Here are some marketing ideas for your consideration:
1. Provide a free family counseling session. Schedule a time with your families to allow them to share their story, their difficulties and pain. You’re an expert. If you find that a grief counselor might be beneficial, you can refer the family to one. But most families will value the time with you to just to talk.
2. Video: Creating a 2 minute video telling your story can be very impactful. Tell your future families why you’ll take excellent care of them; why are you the home they will be most comfortable, etc. Post this video on your website and YouTube. No cost so there is only an upside.
3. Cover all the basics: music, readings, religious services, tributes, veteran services, casket in ground or mausoleum, printing, obituary, publications, insurance assignments, payment options, etc.
4. Payment options: make this easy. Obviously cash is best but not always. Families spend 25-30% more when utilizing life insurance assignment proceeds. If you’re not encouraging the use of insurance assignment, you are missing revenue and profit opportunities while adding positively to the families’ experience.
5. Exclusive products: Offer a “Taylor funeral home casket” or a “Jones funeral home urn. Perhaps offer an exclusive plate.
6. Personalize anything possible. Cards, booklets, obituaries, plates, photographs, Use the same visuals in all of your advertising to build your brand image wherever you are marketing: church bulletins, local newspaper, sponsoring events at local 55+ communities.
7. Remember, decisions are not made rationally with long term concerns. Investing in a proper and fitting memorial services is an emotional experience. Capture you family’s emotions and deliver a heartfelt and persuasive testimony why you deserve their trust. Then simply deliver, over deliver and you will surely prosper.
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About the Author
 | Trinity Funeral Funding - Insurance Assignments for Funeral Homes, Trinity Funeral Funding - Insurance Assignments for Funeral Homes 180 Old Tappan Road, Westwood, NJ 07675 201-750-1117
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