7 Tips for Working at Home for People with Disabililities
By Sally Witt
I am very passionate about helping people to overcome their hesitations on working and making a living from home. I have been home with physical problems and depression for over 3 years, and want to help others to feel proud and to give themselves an income during the difficult economic times.
Some things to think about while planning to work online:
1. Be honest with yourself and about your abilities, and what you can do. Itemize your strengths and skills. List the things that you might need help with.
2. Do you need a partner or an assistant? It may be that you need someone to drive your mail to the post office, or make phone calls for you, or type into the computer. What do you need, and how realistic is it for you to work with them. How will you pay them, or share the income?
3. Do you need any adaptive tools? I need headphones to hear well on the phone, and use an online phone to make that an easy solution for me. Do you need anything to help you see the screen better? There are so many adaptive devices now for computers, phones, and more.
4. Do you network online, or are you shy? Find the groups that you are comfortable in to get started, and move on from there as you build up your confidence. Everyone is just a few degrees away from someone with a disability of some kind. We are everywhere, and you should be welcomed.
5. Be creative. Whatever business you decide to do online, take advantage of the many free and low cost options to market yourself and your products or services. There is something to learn every day.
6. Don't spend a lot of money signing up for everything! Find a mentor, a group, or a team that will help you with ideas and tools to be successful. You don't have to waste a lot of money in order to make money.
7. Be proud of yourself and your products and services. Find something that makes you happy, and you will be successful!
I am always happy to discuss social media and marketing with people that want to work online, and to encourage them. If you or someone you know needs encouragement to work through their limitations, let me know!
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About the Author
 | Sally Witt, Ameriplan USA` 122 Walnut Lane Morrisville, PA 19067 215-550-4388
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