80% of Local Business Searches Begin Online...
By Chris Ryder
AND 90% of these searchers follow up offline, with a phone call or visit!
With the search of local business and services, originating online at such a high rate, it is more important than ever to have an optimized internet presence. Optimization is an ongoing and involved process best left to the pros, but there are some easy and free ways for local business owners to ensure searchers find them when searching.
The most basic way involves claiming of local listings. The major search engines (Google, Yahoo! and Bing) maintain local business listings and will allow local business owners to claim and optimize their business listing for free. This ensures that the business and contact information someone finds when searching for their services, is true and accurate.
Claiming these listings and entering as much information about your business is the quickest way to be found and it's Free!
To further discuss your internet marketing and social media strategies, contact Chris below.
Need some help with your search engine optimization? We can help match you to a SEO company.
About the Author
 | Chris Ryder, Green Desert Consulting, LLC 6236 Old York Dr Plano, TX 75093 602.284.8944
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