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A Short Book Review - The Go Giver

I went to my mailbox on a recent Saturday afternoon and there was a thick package from my friend, client and Keller Williams Real Estate Agent Jennifer Barnes. I thought, oh, she is sending me info for her accounting file, however when I opened the package it was a far cry from “work” – there was a very nice note along with a book, The Go Giver – A Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea, authored by Bob Burg and John David Mann. Inside the cover was another lovely note from Jennifer – right then my adventure for the day changed!

I was headed to the Plum Tree Salon for an appointment and thought to myself, hmmmm… why not take the book so I can read it while I wait for Danielle, my stylist? I started reading the book while I waited for Danielle and continued reading it while I was under the dryer. The next thing I knew I was so focused on the book that I didn’t even realize the dryer had stopped until Danielle came to check on me.

I went home with a long “To Do” list for the remainder of the weekend, which as a self-employed, business owner included tons of work, but I couldn’t get to it. I’d try, but the red, hard cover book was “calling my name” so I stopped working, read a couple of chapters until finally around 9 pm I was really more than half way thru the book! I decided I’m going for a marathon reading session because I really liked the story.

If you have not read The Go Giver I suggest you do. It is a very easy read, not full of PhD oriented words and Harvard case studies, but an easy reading business story that ALL can relate to. I found myself thinking how I’ve done this, could do that, and how these strategies can help all my clients, friends and family members.

I don’t want to “give away” the entire story, but as you read the book you will think of how you can incorporate the message of this book into your business and your life – you can help refer people to one another and blessings will come to you without you even trying. It’s like marketing yourself, your business, and those around you without “selling”!

I have always tried to make it my mission to help those that I know. It may be that one client needs health insurance and another client is an insurance broker. I do what I call a “Virtual Introduction” – I introduce each of them via e-mail or Facebook and then step back and let them meet and go from there. Perhaps I have a friend who wants tickets to a ball game and another friend has tickets but they can’t go. Again I do my “Virtual Introduction.” I find that I like bringing people together, or as they call it in the book, being “The Connector!”

I have now decided to order Go Givers Sell More to see what else I can learn!
For those that are reading this who are not Accounting or CFO clients of mine, I welcome the opportunity to “meet” you thru our own Virtual Introduction. Tell me about your product or service, who your ideal client might be, send me your website, blog, Facebook Fan Page, and maybe even your LinkedIn or Twitter account connection information so I can know a little bit more about you and your business. If I know what your goals are, I can have your information available as resources for my clients and friends. I welcome the opportunity to help you make a connection with others who might be interested in what you have to offer.

Now it’s YOUR turn – Let’s continue to have Virtual Introductions!

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About the Author

Cheryl Blazej, Blazej & Associates
155-A Cherry Way
Roswell, GA 30075

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