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Are You Ready To Own Your Own Business?

If you are thinking about starting a business, take this test to help you to decide whether or not you should proceed. Answer the questions with True or False.

______You have an area of expertise that you know really well.

______Other people need your knowledge.

______You know how to fix a problem for a specific group of people

______Once you decide on a plan, you are committed to carrying it out.

______You are able to analyze current trends.

______Your spouse has many of his/her own interests.

______Your spouse is always supportive.

______You like other people.

______You do well in large groups of strangers.

______You are not easily discouraged.

You know the following and would use them for your business:
______IT person
______web design
______staffing/leasing company

______You have managed a business before.

______You are able to communicate well with others.

______You are able to handle your finances

If you were able to answer “true” to at least 18 of the above, you are ready to start your business. If you were able to answer “true” to at least 14 of the above you will be ready to open your business with a little bit of improvement. If you answered “true” to 10 of the above, you need to get some help, but you can get there. If you answered “true” to 9 or less, you need to get a good deal of help and education, but you may be able to have your own business in the future. If you answered “true” to 5 or less, keep your day job until you can retake the test and reach 10

Luann Allen is a business coach who helps small businesses grow from survival to success. Contact Luann Allen below for more information.

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About the Author

Luann Allen, Success Fanatic
33 Old Mission Ave
Saint Augustine, FL 32084

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