Are you "content" with your marketing plan?
By Dave Segatti
It's important to evaluate your marketing plan a few times a year. Make sure it's doing what you intended. Content marketing should be one portion of your marketing strategy. When you are planning your content marketing strategy, consider these goals.
Goal #1: Create one ongoing content marketing strategy.
When you build up a big library of information, content marketing really works. Put a strategy in place that will keep going month after month and year after year. Eventually, you'll have a huge inventory of material you can re-purpose in dozens of ways. Consider using a newsletter yourself or a blog or other social media.
Goal #2: Publish your content in many different ways.
Think Green: reuse, recycle, renew. The time-consuming task is creating the content and its hard work but, once you have it make it work for you. Post it to social media like Twitter and Facebook, distribute it to business partners and clients, and put it in your customer or employee newsletter.
Goal #3: Add content to your Website.
Having quality content on your website is critical today, because it helps with your organic ranking. Make sure you incorporate some keywords in the content, which will help also. You can also create additional web pages filled with content (they don’t have to be viewable pages).
Goal #4: Try one new content format.
Use a variety of formats to attracts a variety of customers and prospects. Try something new: Audio, Video, Webinars, PowerPoint, Print, Twitter. It’s your business; no one is going to care more about your business than you. You need to be the one to try different approaches. Go ahead and experiment. . .you may be surprised.
Best of Luck in your Ventures!!!
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About the Author
 | Dave Segatti, MAD Media - PO Box 1582 Lombard, IL 60148 630.873.4177
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