Are you the expert in your field
By Thomas Duffy
Dear Future Author,
Of course you want a book… more than 80% of us want a book.
The rewards can be Godzilla-sized and life changing. Not to mention the bragging rights, monthly royalty checks, and more…
Position yourself as the brilliant new guru in your market… really fast
Magnetically attract the most loyal customers… get new clients and fans
Instantly create fire hot branding… cause a market explosion
Create authority and respect out of thin air… competitors will be shocked
Force people to talk… ignite a word-of-mouth advertising frenzy
Sounds great…
But wait, hold on a sec!
…it’s hard writing a book. It’s time consuming and painful. You’ve got enough on your plate with work, kids, buying groceries… And really, where do you start? How do you get going exactly? What about editing, formatting and all the little stuff?
I bet you know just what I mean. Trying to write a book can drain all of your time and energy. If you’ve ever started a book project you know that it can be life crushing.
Now look, I’ve been in your shoes… my first book took me months of dedicated effort. I know from experience that if you’re trying to do it all yourself, writing and publishing a book can suck the life out of you… like a vampire!
But it doesn’t have to be that way. It can be painless and easy as pie. Take a deep breath because you can relax… contact me to discuss.
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About the Author
 | Thomas Duffy, venture capital international Ten Stockyard New York, NY 10018 203-775-9999
Contact Author: request info
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