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At-Needs Funding for Funeral Services

Often times, we are asked about At-needs funding. These are short-term loans to families who are unable to pay for burial costs either out-of-pocket and do not have life insurance benefits to utilize. We generally suggest that our clients shy away from these type of short-term loans because the thirdy party lenders have a more aggressive approach to collecting on these loans.

We process and fund life Insurance assignment claims for funeral homes and we do not handle at-needs funding.

Here's why:

The beneficiary who owes this money oftentimes does not distinguish between the funeral home and the lending source. This could impact the relationship between the family and the Funeral Director. It can even also impact the reputation of the funeral home negatively - while the funeral home or director no longer has any involvement.

At Trinity Funeral Funding, our advocacy is squarely behind our funeral home partner. Our role is to make life insurance assignment funding go very smoothly and thus improve and add to the relationship our Funeral Directors have with their families.

For more information about insurance assignment funding or At-needs funding, please give us a call.

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Trinity Funeral Funding - Insurance Assignments for Funeral Homes, Trinity Funeral Funding - Insurance Assignments for Funeral Homes
180 Old Tappan Road,
Westwood, NJ 07675

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