Attention all Real Estate Professionals!
By Barb Sibbing
Have you seen all that SendOutCards can do for you?
In today’s world it’s all about the relationships!
People want to know that YOU really care about them and appreciate your relationship with them.
Here are some ways to get noticed:
1. After an Open House, send a card to everyone who registered. Put a picture of the house on the front of the card with several other pictures highlighting the house on the inside of the card.
Be sure to list all the listing details. Home shoppers will appreciate this thoughtful gesture since after looking at many open houses it can sometimes be hard to remember just which feature went with which house.
2. Send a card with a QR Code which links to a walk-thru of the house. What a surprise when your potential buyer clicks on the QR Code with their Smartphone and can see the video walk-thru.
3. Take a picture of your client in front of the house they just purchased from you and send them a thank you card with that picture on the front.
4. Set up a gift account for the buyer, and gift them up to 50 points and 50 stamps, use that same picture and create a Change of Address card that your client can use to send “We have moved” cards to their friends.
5. Thank inspectors and repairmen. If they were really prompt or did a great job, you can easily attach a Starbucks card.
6. Thank your client after closing and include a $50 or $100 gift card from Home Depot, Wal-Mart or Bed, Bath & Beyond. What a great house warmer gift.
7. Send Thank You Cards for anyone who gave you a referral. Include a gift card here as well they will really appreciate it. Gift cards as low as $5.00 make it easy to say, “Have a cup of coffee on me!”
8. Send a card with gourmet brownies or cookies to people whose listings have expired. Follow-up by phone to be sure they received them, and it’s a great way to start a conversation with a potential new client.
9. Don’t forget Birthdays, Holidays, Thinking of You, and other heart-felt messages. Clients love to receive these and they will help keep your name front of mind when that potential client needs your services.
You’ll be amazed by the magic of the personal greeting card! Look at all these benefits!
*You will stand out and be remembered when your services are needed
*You will be well on your way to building strong lifelong relationships
*You will find success in all areas of your life! You’d be surprised how much a little appreciation can do for you.
*People work with those they know, like and trust – and you will be included in that category.
It only takes a few minutes to send a card. Try it today! Your card will be printed, stuffed, and stamped tonight, and will be in the mail tomorrow morning.
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About the Author
 | Barb Sibbing, Cards Create Freedom 11512 High Timber Dr Indianapolis, IN 46235 317-250-3324
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