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Back to School Vision

I can't believe it, but it's that time of year again... already! Kids are beginning to head back to school to embark upon another learning journey, where vision accounts for nearly 80% of the skills acquired in school (reading, writing, following overheads, etc). Without a properly and efficiently working visual system, school for thousands of children each year can be a nightmare. In fact, research has shown that nearly 1 in 4 school-aged children has a visual problem, often undetected by the school or pediatrician vision screening, that can adversely affect the ability to learn.

Following are some of the basic vision skills needed for school, all of which can be addressed by a licensed optometrist at a comprehensive eye examination:

1. Distance Vision. The ability to see clearly and comfortably beyond arms reach.
2. Near Vision. The ability to see clearly and comfortably from 10-18 inches.
3. Binocular Vision. The ability to use both eyes together efficiently.
4. Eye Tracking Skills. The ability to follow words on a page, shift the eyes in space, and accurately aim the eyes at objects on demand.
5. Focusing Skills. The ability to accurately focus the eyes from distance to near in a short amount of time, as well as the ability to sustain focus on an object for a period of time.

When a vision problem is suspected, look for these signs and symptoms from your child:

1. Squinting
2. Complaints of headaches or tired eyes.
3. Eye rubbing.
4. Losing place while reading or avoiding reading altogether.
5. Poor tracking skills.
6. Eye tearing or redness.
7. Head tilting.
8. Poor attention span.
9. Excessive clumsiness.

Remember that whether or not a vision problem is suspected from your child, it is important that a licensed optometrist conduct a comprehensive eye examination to ensure that he/she is prepared to learn.

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About the Author

Kevin Crosier, Crosier Eye Associates
14644 Orchard Pkwy. #600
Broomfield, CO 80020

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