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Best Practices to Select “Successfully Matched” Employees

One of the biggest challenges facing HR professionals in the highly competitive and dynamic market of today’s business world is hiring top performing employees. Hiring “successfully matched” employees is a valuable asset for any organization.

The problem is, finding such top performing employees is more difficult than one might think. Many apparently great candidates have work style behaviors that may not be readily apparent. This is where cutting edge tools like employee assessments come into play. Professionally developed assessment tools can help you identify the top candidates who best fit your organization’s culture and job requirements.

According to the US Department of Labor’s report – Testing and Assessment: An Employers’ Guide to Good Practice, “The appropriate use of professionally developed assessment tools enables organizations to make more effective, employment-related decisions than use of simple observations or random decision making.”

With the help of a professionally developed assessment solution, you can better identify a potential candidate’s interests and abilities, values and work ethics, work style behaviors, and most importantly, the overall job fit.

Follow the best practices outlined below to hire the best candidates to meet your organization’s specific needs:

-Determine the Critical Job Requirements
-Formulate Relevant Job-Related Q&As
-Set Specific Goals to Manage the Interview Process
-Conduct a Behaviorally-Based Interview
-Have the candidate complete an Objective Assessment
-Make the hiring decision based on a “People – Job Match” Score

Once you make the final hiring decision based on the degree of fit score as indicated by the assessment process, you can be much more confident that you have hired a “successfully matched” employee who is going to yield value for your organization for a long time to come.

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About the Author

Wayne Nemeroff, Psymax Solutions, LLC
25550 Chagrin Blvd. Suite 100
Beachwood, OH 44122

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