Caesar Salad
By Nichole Kuechle
On a recent blog for Real Food peeps like myself, this question was raised: What is Your Favorite Way of Using Raw Egg Yolks? I have two answers that pine for first place: in kefir smoothies AND in this phenomenal Caesar salad. We made this Caesar on Christmas Day to go with the untraditional spaghetti and meatballs my husband made. This recipe was shared with me by an acquaintance years ago and I love it for two reasons:
1) raw egg yolks make for awesome protein and
2) three, I repeat, THREE full cloves of garlic are in this recipe.
Get your egg yolks from a farm you trust or from a local natural foods co-op…it’s always best when you know your farmer. The garlic? Come on, it’s winter and who couldn’t use an extra immune boost, especially after the holiday sugar rush.
Caesar Salad
3 eggs
3 large cloves minced garlic
½ tsp Braggs liquid aminos (or Worcestershire sauce)
½ tsp ground mustard
½ tsp Dijon mustard
½ tsp sea salt
2 T. plus 1 tsp. vinegar
Dash course ground pepper
1 ¼ c olive oil
Put all ingredients into a blender and puree until well infused.
Served with a choice of: slivered almonds, halved grape tomatoes, and grated parmesan cheese.
The health benefits of garlic alone are reason enough to make this recipe. I have found it will keep for up to two weeks in my refrigerator...I'm sure it would last longer but we blast through this jar so quickly I'd never know!
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About the Author
 | Nichole Kuechle, My Healthy Beginning P.O. Box 195 Long Lake, MN 55356 612-418-3801
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