Can You Count On Your Contractor When You Refer To Clients and Friends?
By Brent Frenchak
Ever been asked if you know a good contractor by a client, friend or family member? I have been asked many times if I know a good realtor, or a good on insurance agent or company. Referring a professional is serious business. The worst possible scenario would be you referred a contractor to one of your clients and the client gave you the nightmare feedback. What a reflection on you, even though you were just trying to help out. We have all had situations very similar I am sure.
Texas Construction Remodeling Mgt. considers referring a professional or company to a client, friend or family member, the ultimate way of saying thank you for a job well done! We take each and every project very seriously. Our team of experienced, considerate and talented individuals is committed to perfection on each and every project. Providing the best we can offer to our valued customers, quality workmanship, creative design and pricing, genuine concern for what is in their best interests is why our customers refer us time and time again. Merchants Circle is comprised of very talented, honest and top notch professionals. The association lends an opportunity to bond and develop a referral network we can all trust and rely on. When I am asked if I know a great dentist, or Insurance agent I will feel good about referring my fellow professionals at Merchants Circle. I will rely on their sense of integrity, commitment to excellence and honesty. Circle of Excellence!
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About the Author
 | Brent Frenchak, Texas Construction Remodeling Decks Mgt. 20770 Hwy 281 N Suite # 290 San Antonio, TX 78258 830-438-9003
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