Cash Advance For Your Business
By Mike Mehsikomer
You can turn future credit card sales into much needed capital for businesses today.
The concept is simple, if a business is currently accepting credit cards as a form of payment from their customers, they can turn that future volume into cash today.
This is nothing new. There have been Factoring Companies around since the Roman Times. The twist is that instead of selling B2B and funding invoices that are traditionally 30-60-90 days out, a retail business like a restaurant or coffee shop can take their average monthly volume and leverage it as working capital.
Having this source is vital, Says TCMFB owner Mike Mehsikomer. He points out, "It's going to be small businesses adding jobs that is going to lift us out of this recession. Small businesses account for a large portion of job creation in the U.S. With many unemployed giving up looking for work it is reasonable to assume that they will be the next wave of small business creators...and there needs to be a resource ready for them when it comes time to expand."
Indeed the availability of credit for business will be critical to ending the current recession and putting Americans back to work.
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About the Author
| Mike Mehsikomer, Quantum Merchant Services 7300 Hudson Blvd Saint Paul, MN 55128 888-881-0657 x 707
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