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Celebrate like it was your 15th in 2015!

Over 21, adventuresome, and full of fun?

Can't think of a unique way to celebrate your birthday or your friend's birthday this year?

That's OK. Lets go back in time to your 15th birthday. Think of the great times you had. Think of all that you wish you had done, but didn't. Then, relive it all this year. Instead of celebrating your chronological age, celebrate your 15th all over again!

Have a 15 year old? They'll enjoy the fun! Just turned 51, well, this recommendation is perfect for you. Reverse the digits for a day and have a ton of fun!

Take lots of photos. Perhaps, you'd like to start your photo album with your honoree holding a sign announcing the event.

Already have plans for next year's birthday? That's OK. Celebrate your 16th in 2016, instead. Still have a birthday coming up this year? Celebrate your 14th in '14. Have a friend turning 41 in '14? Just reverse the digits and have a great time.

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About the Author

Dr. Ronald G. Shapiro, Ronald G. Shapiro, Ph. D. / Education by Entertainment
17 Brookway Road
Providence, RI 02906

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