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Corporate Management or Corporate Chaos

Two of the most misunderstood words in business today are management and leadership. The mere fact that corporate management is what everyone is trying to figure out “how to do” proves the point. “Leadership is doing the right things, management is doing them right “~ Peter Drucker.

We have a crisis of corporate leadership, not of corporate management. The lack of understanding and subsequent misapplication of these two terms is causing Corporate Chaos as our title implies. Leaders know how to figure out what the right things are to do, so corporate leadership has to do with getting corporate management to do the right things. Of course this cannot be done in a vacuum; leaders must be trained and provided systems within which they can manage the organization.

“What Got You Here Won't Get You There” ~ Marshall Goldsmith

The system becomes the issue, a well thought out system, implemented in a company with the right people on the bus provides the infrastructure small to medium sized companies are looking for to provide adequate corporate management.

Here is a simple three step plan to develop a corporate management (leadership) system to support your company.

Step One - Get the right people on the bus.

Without leaders with leadership skills it is impossible to develop your corporate management team. It is possible to vet existing and select new leaders who have the necessary skills. Leaders think in terms of strategy, managers think in terms of tactics, leaders think in terms of tasks, leaders think in terms of objectives and goals. These are just a small cross section of the skills good leader’s posses. Learning to spot leadership potential is an acquired skill which can be taught in the context of coaching and mentoring. Once you have the right people on the bus, you will have the raw material to begin the development of your corporate infrastructure.

Step Two - Implement a systematic delegation process.

Once a leadership team is in place the delegation process can begin. Delegation means pushing decision making down the chain of command, it requires well thought objectives, strategies and must be a controllable and well vetted system.

Step Three - Install a business infrastructure which will support your growth needs.

Work on your business, not in it, a phrase popularized by Michael Gerber in his book “eMyth” screams for a system business can implement to run their business so they can grow it. The Leadership system must includes a business infrastructure that empowers leaders to clearly define and implement objectives in a way that makes delegation a disciplined part of the process of running the business. This premise is at the core of Emerald’s V3 Leadership System.

Corporate Management can be successful in any organization given the right people, a infrastructure that supports the delegation process and a systematic way of running the business so executives can grow the business.
What got you here won’t get you there, but Emerald has the system that will get you there.

Make it Work With Emerald’s V3 Leadership System

Emerald’s V3 Leadership system includes a business infrastructure that empowers leaders to clearly define and implement objectives in a way that makes delegation a disciplined part of the process of running the business. Once VLS is in place, leaders can work on the business while VLS runs it.

V3 Leadership System Overview

V1 – Vision Setting Premise
V2 –Vision Enabling Strategy
V3 – Vision Empowered Results

VLS runs the business so CEO’s and owners can grow their business. VLS empowers leaders in the development of their managers and engages them in building business.

Emerald provides consulting services to support the installation and implementation of VLS

An important aspect of Emeralds VLS support services is the use of a sophisticated strengths assessment process developed and implemented by Emerald, it identifies and deploys management strengths and leadership styles.

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About the Author

Michael Adams, Emerald Business Services
P.O. Box 1875
Ramona, CA 92065

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