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Discover How to Master Your Spiritual Destiny

For me, there is no one particular approach or technique in discovering how to become master of my spiritual destiny. As a matter of truth, I have not really mastered any one thing fully. Every day, every situation in some way is the same yet in some ways, different, so...

What I have done though is become better in some things today and I was say, a couple of months ago, a year ago, 10 years ago or even a lifetime(s) ago. My reminder is, "A little progress in many areas is better than no progress in most."
I do have some spiritual exercises and techniques that I diligent and consciously practice on a daily basis ( Some of them I practice when I'm in the midst of one of life's challenges have a worrisome situation or a problem that I need an answer to in order to resolve something or another. Many of you may already practice some of these techniques or perhaps have heard or read about them on your journey. I have listed my daily spiritual exercises for you to use or modify and use to fit your own unique self.

* Every morning before I start my day, I fill my heart with Love.

* I sing a love song to God, The Source, Divine Spirit… I sing or chant the word HU
(sounds like the word hew).

* Then I contemplate. Some people pray or meditate…

* I write a Gratitude List. I list everything that I am grateful for before my day
begins. (A couple of my favorites are: I AM grateful for the gift of another day, I
AM grateful for life and what life reveals to me today.)

* I write in my my Days of Soul Journal every single morning! Sometimes I pen about
a dream journey I had the night before or a feeling I may have upon arising or my
thoughts at that moment.

* Taking responsibility for everything that happens for me has been, by far, one of the
best spiritual exercises I've put into practice. It is the one spiritual exercise that
has brought me the most on my journey.

* On a separate sheet of paper I write 15 times, I AM declarations.
(Some of my favorites are: I AM a Divine Spark of God; I AM in accord with God's
Will and God's perfect plan for me).

* As my day unfolds, I make it a point to be awake and aware and I consciously do
my daily tasks in the name of God and Divine Spirit, which includes all that I do,
say, how I act and respond, and I do everything for the good of the whole.

* I cherish the gift of life and I trust the Source that resides within me. Going within
for answers and for guidance is my mainstay rather than solely relying upon reason
and logic. I listen to my inner nudges and my Spiritual Master, which resides within
and then I take action.

* I listen to advice and make my own choices, and I know where I want to go so that
I always take the right action.

“If you don't know where you want to go, any road will take you there.”

Do the absolute very best that you can do. Whatever you do, do it with love and for love.

Be the best you that you are capable of at the moment, then surrender and leave the rest to Divine Spirit.


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About the Author

Brenda Crawford-Bee, BUSY BEEZ SERVICES
3840 N. 43rd Avenue, #61
Phoenix, AZ 85031

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