Don't Be Taken in by "Pie in the Sky" Promises of Easy Money
By Jacqueline Turco
Are you looking for an easy way to get lots of money to spend on anything you want? Do you want a grant to support your mission but don't have anyone in your organization willing to invest a few hours a week of their time?
I would love to tell you that I've got some fairy dust, and you'll get hundreds of thousands of dollars in free grant money with no strings attached, however; there is no such thing. Many nonprofits and businesses are taken in by such "pie in the sky" promises.
Grant giving agencies and foundations are ‘weeding out’ nonprofits and businesses that appear to be just looking for an easy way. Also, applicants are competing for a limited amount of grant money with hundreds, if not thousands, of other organizations and businesses.
There are no grant giving agencies or foundations that award cash grants (for more than a few hundred or a few thousand dollars) to use at your discretion, unless your organization or business has been around for a few years, built up relationships with grant giving organizations and has shown fiscal responsibility. Even then grant money is seldom discretionary, and the grant giving organization or agency will want constant updates on how every penny is being spent.
So don't be taken in by "pie in the sky" promises of easy money.
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About the Author
 | Jacqueline Turco, Turco, Inc 2385 NW executive Center Dr. Ste. 100 Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-922-6204
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