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Enjoy the Multiple Positive Effects of Water With Home Water Fountain for Little Money

Water is so essential to our lives as humans, we need it for everything. It is the most important element in our body. That is why our bodies consist of nearly 90 percent water. Every self healing practice is designed to create fluidity into our lives. Yoga teaches us to practice a fluid breath like a gentle ocean wave onto the beach and back into the ocean. Tai- Chi and Qi-Gong teach the same thing that each movement of the body is fluid and constantly flowing. Kung FU teaches its students to become soft flexible and fluid so that the opponent cannot hurt water it is impossible to break water. The idea behind these practices is to bring a flow of positive effects into the body. Water is the principle in all aspects of a healthy body and mind. All of these practices know how beneficial and positive water and being fluid can have on ones life. When we can bring water into our life in any way possible it has a profound and positive effect on your life.

If having a regular mind body practice like Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi-gong or Kung fu is apart of your life or not, having a water fountain in your home or office can help to achieve the same benefits with no effort at all. When water is present in any type of living or working environment it brings that constant flow with it. Water has the ability to calm our bodies and captivate our minds in a positive and relaxing way that few other things can do on this planet. Flowing water is what represents a healthy digestive system. When we are processing our food and water ingestion, digestion and excretion all in a fluid manner our bodies are healthy. If the fluids in our bodies are in a steady and consistent flow then we are free of disease. Flowing water is so essential for every part of your life. Work, health, finances, relationships. It gives us the ability to flow smoothly and comfortably throughout life.

When we have a constant physical flow of water in our homes offices or anyplace you spend allot of time, it brings flow into your life. When you have a home water fountain near you when you are doing your day to day activities it relaxes you. Calms your mind and allows it to stop the constant chit chat that goes on throughout the day. When you have that soft flowing background noise entering your brain waves throughout the day it keeps you in a god mood. Steady constant and flowing has a such a powerful effect on how people interact with each other. It creates peace and calming.

Home water fountains no matter how big or small have a huge positive effect on the mood and energy in the space they occupy. They bring us back to our roots and allow for flow of positive energy and clean the air at the same time. Flowing water gives us the positive energy we need.

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About the Author

Erik Jacobson, Hands of Eye Mobile Massage
San Clemente, CA 92672

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