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Essential Guidelines in Logo Development

As for any creative project, there is no standard type of guidance, and you are open to your own understanding. At the very least, this content should provide you with enough to get began and to get considering your next few logo designs.

When you have more than a few tasks on side, you can easily be influenced to take short-trips to completing your task. But we suggest you take the traditional process to all design tasks, to save you possible complications when you are nearly done. For example, using clip art graphics can seem like a short cut, but what if you recognize later that the picture is not certified for a job like this? There you have an example of a quick way gone all wrong!

Keep it Simple.

An incredibly complicated logo is not only more challenging to make, it is also challenging to remember! Why spend your some time to energy creating a specific design when all you required was something simple? When you try and perform out a simple logo design, you will recognize it is actually more complicated to come up with simple design that do the job. Simple designs is an art of an excellent designer and they show the fact that the designer’s thoughts is able to easily simplify a complicated concept by getting right down to the primary of the businesses.

Dimension Does Matter.

Remember that logos may need to be reproduced at many different styles – on company letterheads, on websites, and even on promotion hoardings! If your logo is too complicated, it can get really challenging to comprehend at small sized designs. Is your logo small and easy enough to be reproduced on a company ballpoint pen? Try and imagine the logo on various sizes when you are beginning off on the project. Any knowledgeable clients would from their side, think of the same when you present them with logo design choices, so why not do the weeding on your own?

A Little About Factor Ratio.

This is nothing but the relation between the width and the height of the logo design. Logos that are short and wide, or narrow and too high, are creatively complicated and do not balance out. You do not have to think balance all the time, but a reasonable stability between the width and height is essential to make an attractive log. Why not begin with a geometrical concept of the logo ratio? Squares are fairly effective, as are round images. Play around with primary forms before you begin stuffing in information of your logo.

Disconnecting Features.

If the client has asked that the logo have a visual graphic element as well as text, it is not always a wise choice to make inter-twining designs unless you can take it off really well. It is far better to do a design separately from the text bit, and this gives the functions enough distinction to stand out. However, at the end of the day they also need to collaborate closely to finish the design. So this is one of the more complicated design specifications you may experience in your logo design experience.

Keep the Target Audience in Mind.

Anyone who wants a new logo wants one because they no longer feel highly about the current one. Maybe the company has changed partners; maybe it has changed some of its core values. At the end of the day the logo needs to hook up with the target audience though, and not the top brass of the company alone. Try and put this across to the client as properly as possible. As logo designers you are the most certified one to do this, and to provide the company a logo that will prove to be well-known for the business’s end customers.

Keep the Substance of the Company in Mind.

Any company has core values that they try and stay up to when creating crucial choices throughout their company decisions. When designing a logo, it is excellent for the designer to have this company core values in mind. Why not try and integrate some component of these core values into the components of logo design? Say, a geometrical logo, which would perform well for something like a teacher that instructs algebra, would NOT perform as well for the ice cream shop at the street corner!

A Logo Needs to Have Immediate Impact.

This is an indication of an excellent logo. It needs to have an immediate and long-lasting impact on the audience. You just have a short chance to keep an impact on your audience! Again, if your logo design is so complicated that people need to figure out it to know what it means, it probably won’t be too efficient would it? Especially in today’s current busy world, all you have is a short duration of the viewers’ interest before they concentrate on something else.

Do not Tag Line your Logo.

There is nothing incorrect with tag lines, but not as a part of the logo design itself. When you are creating a logo, one of your objectives is to easily simplify the significance of the business’s core values and put it down in as easy a way as possible. Tag lines would no question become unreadable when you size down the logo for something like a ballpoint pen! So – logos are expected to be graphic elements, keep it graphic! Tag lines can always be included to bigger print material such as faxes or letterheads.

Do Not Get Taken by Color.

While it is excellent to think about color of your logo, keep in thoughts that it may sometimes be printed out on grayscale models in offices far and wide! So – keep the structural way of your logo as a high concern. Colors needs to take a lower priority in this case. Further, colors can always be changed even at the last instant of the design process. Shape and form need to be pin pointed first! Why not begin off the process with simple tools like a pad and paper? Ignore about color until later stages.

Use Color With Care.

Are you going to use two colors on your logo or four? It is going to have a large impact on the ultimate display! Usually a company would already have an identity and a corporate color (blue for Aol?). This makes things easier when choosing colors for the logo. When you do not have one color mix to work with, you may need to make several variations of the logo design, for final presentation to the client. Usually you would not want to use such powerful colors that the logo becomes a distraction when printed on a page or on marketing materials.

Think Print Colors.

Certain web colors are beyond the comprehension of CMYK colors. From experience we have discovered that the best way to check out web safe colors showing on print media, is to print the logo out for yourself. Why delay until the client finds an error and gets back to you at a later date? Logo designers should print out logo on a basic color printer to see how it changes out. Keep in thoughts you will get the greatest color printing quality on a high quality paper and printer – and that is not something that a traditional office would need to have!

Keep it Light.

It is excellent if logos can actually mean something, it is not going to be easy to put in very many concepts into a simple logo. This is something you may want to talk about in your preliminary discussions with the client. Let them know that where logo is concerned, simple is GOOD! If you look at the top design samples on the internet (a Google Search should provide it to you quickly), you will see that ALL well-known logos have been of simple designs, with simple concepts behind them. The more you try and put into it, the more are you going to mess the logo with distractive components.


This is the ultimate stage of an effective logo design. The more the target audience gets to see the logo, the more does it stay on their minds. Think of the Nike brand name and why it is so very effective and legendary. Is it an excellent design? Maybe not! But it sure has been drilled into the minds of the viewers through million TV advertisements and print ads and banners! Although this aspect is out of the designer’s control, do keep it in thoughts if you are designing an logo for your own company!

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Jay Arenas, June Spring Multimedia
San Jose, CA 95112

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