Four Simple Steps to get that Closet Organized
By Heidi DeCoux
HINT: You could use this process to organize just about any area of your home.
Step 1: Purge - There is no sense in purchasing organizing supplies or closet systems until you have scaled down to the amount of items you are actually keeping.
To make purging easy set aside 4 bags or bins.
Bag 1 for garbage (items with holes or stains)
Bag 2 for items to be donated
Bag 3 for items to be brought to a consignment store
Bag 4 for items you are not sure if you want to get rid of.
If you decide to repair or clean items, so that you will actually use them, then repair or clean those items immediately, or schedule time in the near future to do so.
Place bag 4 in a storage area (basement, attic). Label it "Get rid of by ____" and date it one year from the day you put the bag in storage. If you find you actually need an item, you can go into the bag and pull it out. Any items left in the bag or bin after a year can be safely donated or sold. If you haven't needed or wanted it for a whole year, you probably never will.
Step 2: Sort & Design - First put all like items together. Make separate piles of all of your sweaters, pants, button-ups, purses, belts, and so on.
Seeing everything, you will know what you have so you can get a closet system that will accommodate your items. I recommend getting a built-in system that maximizes your space and makes all of your items visible and easy to access. The Container Store has a great line of closet systems called Elfa. They are both durable and adjustable. Ikea and California Closets are also great choices.
Step 3: Get Matching Hangers - This makes a BIG difference. I like the velvety hangers because they are space saving (very slim design), your garments "stick" to them so nothing ever falls to the floor, and they have a special design that prevents "shoulder bumps". You can even hang sweaters and lightweight knit shirts on them.
Step 4: Keep it Organized - Place a bag, box, or bin in your closet for items to be sold or donated. For every new item that comes in, one must go out. When the bag, box, or bin is full, donate or sell the items. This will keep your closet in perfect order (so you never have to organize your closet again!).
Make it Easy
You could start by organizing just one closet every week or even every month. Once all of your closets are organized keeping your home neat and tidy will be easier, getting ready will be faster, and you will be able to find anything you want within seconds.
Need a home organizer? Get matched and get free quotes from local professional organizers.
About the Author
 | Heidi DeCoux, Clear Simple Living, LLC Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-821-1426
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