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The setting is a warehouse in NJ that was used to repair computers and copiers.

Shipments of computers from schools and various businesses came to this warehouse daily, and it was the job of the Shipping and Receiving department to handle them.

This one fine day, an employee who feared for his job due to a recent “write-up” for some attendance problems, decided to take matters into his own hands, so to speak.
After taking a box off of the truck, he set it down on the floor. Then, he decided to fall on the floor and scream bloody murder that he hurt his back. No one was around to see his incident, so his word was what had to be taken…or was it.

This kid claimed he could not stand up straight, and “just wanted to sit down”. He sat on a chair for over an hour, before the Manager told him he should go to the doctors to get it checked out. After being told he should go home and rest, he left. The next day, he took off work, claiming he had a serious back injury. He had complained of a pulled muscle, which is hard to confirm with doctors, and most times patients are given meds and told to rest. The kid put in a workers comp. claim and was out of work for a few months, and threatened to sue the company.

What changed the outcome of this entire incident, was ….you guessed it- CAMERAS. The cameras that caught the incident on tape where good enough proof that this kid was faking his incident, as there are ways to tell if someone is faking a fall or not, by the way that they fall. The experts know just what to look for, and they found it in this video.
There was still speculation however, and there needed to be more. Unbelievable you say…well, unfortunately this kind of thing happens more than most people realize.

The cincher to the deal however was because of yet another…you guessed it-CAMERA. This camera was no where near the spot where the incident occurred, however this turned out to be a good thing. Before the “incident” occurred, this kid was found lifting over a hundred boxes without his back brace on, which was mandatory at the company he worked at. Rule number one broken.
As if this was not enough, it also showed the employee walking around like normal, hours after the “incident”, in the locker room that housed his coat and keys to go home. It then showed him return to being hunched over as he left .
That was the evidence the company needed to show that the kid was faking his injuries!!!!!

The case was eventually thrown out due to the evidence gathered from the …you guessed it-CAMERAS.

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About the Author

Susan DeFrancisco, ASG Security
110 American Blvd Unit #4
Blackwood, NJ 08012

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