Have A Feng Shui Holiday
By Trish McCabe
Color, lights, trees, plants, animals, mirrors, crystals, moving objects, sound, fragrances and red envelopes. A prescription for the holidays, yes, but it is also a list of Feng Shui cures.
Christmas and New Years are the perfect time to have fun with Feng Shui. Decorating your home or office for these festive occasions is Feng Shui! When we place decorations outside and inside to enhance our holiday spirit we are announcing our intention of having a happy, healthy and harmonious holiday - this is Feng Shui.
Red and green the traditional colors of Christmas are excellent Feng Shui. In Feng Shui red represents the element of fire. Red is considered to be a very auspicious color, which connotes happiness, warmth, strength and fame. Red is believed to protect you as well as attract positive energy to you. Green represents the wood element and symbolizes tranquility, hope and growth. Green is also associated with wealth.
Christmas gives us many opportunities to decorate with Feng Shui in mind and attract positive forces to us in many ways. Red used in the fame area of your business will enhance your reputation. To increase wealth, place red decorations in the wealth area of your home, office or place of business. A beautiful red bow on the front door can protect you as well as draw positive energy to you.
We generally use gold and silver for New Years celebrations. The reflective quality can attract very positive energy. Gold and silver are both associated with the element of metal. This is the element of children, creativity, courage and righteousness. Each New Year we celebrate the passing of the old year and the creation of the New Year. Each year on New Years Eve we look back at the old year and learn from it and give ourselves permission to create a new year. The New Year is the time to set our intentions for the coming year. We decide on our New Years resolutions. These are little “prayers” that we use to empower ourselves to be the best we can be. A good Feng Shui consultant can help you to make every day New Years day by helping you get clear on your goals and intentions and giving you specific ways to transform desires into reality. Feng Shui addresses your inner outer environment.
When decorating for the holidays use what feels best to you. It is great Feng Shui to decorate with what ever has meaning to you specifically. One caution, in Feng Shui we stay away from dried flowers and plants because the symbolism is negative (decaying/dead). Feel free to use silk flowers and plants as long as they are life like. There are many considerations when decorating for this holiday season. Your Feng Shui consultant can help you create the perfect holiday atmosphere for you, your family and your business. The benefits of good Feng Shui effect every aspect of your life. Give your self and/or your business the gift that will keep on giving, a professional Feng Shui Consultation, and watch how the things you want in life start flowing to you.
This year set the intention for peace and prosperity for all. If each of us did this, the world would change quickly and we could eliminate so much suffering. We can each start in our hearts and homes and the world will follow, that is Feng Shui at it’s finest.
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About the Author
 | Trish McCabe, Feng Shui By Design Winter Park, FL 32790 407-786-1080
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