Home improvement house rules
By Jason Spurlock
When you are investing in your greatest asset and beautifying your abode, one of the most important discussions you can have with home improvement professionals and also your family is about your house rules. You, the homeowner, are the ulitimate decision maker and project planner. For the perfect project, make sure everyone involved understands what is expected.
Start by deciding whether contractors will be in your home when you are not around (after all, most families are two income these days). You probably won’t be taking the week off work, so you need to define what areas of your home are off limits. For instance, if you would prefer they stay out of your master bathroom and use the one downstairs, make that clear. This is completely acceptable and it will avoid uncomfortable misunderstandings once the project is underway.
Define the hours that are suitable for the professionals to actually work. Most contractors like to get started earlier than you might expect or may work the weekends during inclement weather. Daily work schedules are negotiable. If you don’t want them to show up until you have had your morning shower and coffee, let them know before your improvements begin.
If your pets or children are in the house, make sure they stay safe during the the remodeling. If you have to leave your pets in the house, make sure they are secured away from the action and that the contractors know where Fluffy is so a door isn’t accidentally left open for her escape.
Any home improvement has inherit dangers for children so explain to them beforehand what will be going on and set up markers that are not to be crossed. Make a plan for what they will do and where they should play when the work begins.
Once the project is underway it’s a good idea to keep a casual eye on the progress but avoid getting in the way. Let go of the temptation to micro-manage. If you have a concern or question, it is perfectly fine to ask but second guessing every move your home improvement professional makes can lead to frustration on both sides. Once the project begins, remind yourself of the previous homework you completed before you actually hired them and trust your initial judgement to allow them to finish the job without interruption.
Finally, when the work is complete do a walkthrough inspection with the job foreman. If you have any questions or see something wrong now is the time to ask. After the final cleanup is complete, the touch up work can take twice as long and possibly run into more costs.
And remember, if you’re happy with their work, tell them often. Like any true professional, home improvement experts take pride in their work. Just by acknowledging their craftsmanship with sincere compliments along the way, they will be more likely to go the extra mile.
House rules do not mean you are being burdensome. Instead, they ensure the safety of your family and open communication for the duration of the renovation. One short conversation before the project begins makes sure that everyone understands what is expected.
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About the Author
 | Jason Spurlock, 1 Call Improvement Pinetree Street Satellite Beach, FL 32937 (888) Your-1-Call
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