How Do You Know If You Are Completely Covered?
By Brian Vann
Do you know your major medical (health) insurance only pay your doctor and hospital bill and that's only 32% of the total bill, the other 68% is what we call the out of pocket expense like deductibles, co-payments, lost of income, and traveling expense that your health insurance may not cover.
Have you ever spend a night in the hospital, if you have you know how expensive it can get. It will run you into the thousands, and most insurance companies will not pay a single dime until you pay you co-payments or deductibles first and then they will pay the rest of the 32% of the total bill.
Do your health insurance company pay you if you are out of work in the hospital due to an illness, accident or injury, you know that effects two incomes, if you are in the hospital due to an accident, injury or illness your spouse will be in there with you. Chances are your employer will pay you disability pay and that's anywhere from 50% to 75% of your income, and the way the economy is today every penny is accounted for.
What if you got into an accident! Do your insurance company pay the ambulance for coming to pick you up, if the ambulance gets there and find out you have to be air lift to a special hospital and that will run you up into the thousands addition to your hospital bill, do they pay for child care, transportation back and forth to the doctor or the hospital, just think if you are in the hospital your bills are going to keep on coming in, they are not going to nail the mail box shut because you are sick or injured.
Now you see what I'm talking about! Even tho you have a good or great health insurance plan there's a possibility you still have gaps in the plan.That's why I do I talk to people to see if they have any gaps in their benefit plans, and if they do we work together to see if we can come up with a solution to fill in those gaps.
My suggestion to you is get an good supplemental benefit plan, AFLAC is one of the best supplemental benefit plan company on the market, it will meet you goal and exceed your goals.
If you have any questions or comments on how to make a good benefit plan better please get in contact with me and we can work together and come up with a solution.
Author - Brian D. Vann
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About the Author
| Brian Vann, B.D. Benefit Provider Raleigh, NC 27610 919-410-9523
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