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How to Choose the Right Therapist for Your Massage So Both You and the Therapist Have a Good Session

All massages should be approached from a knowing standpoint, you should know what you are getting before your session. Each massage has a different meaning to everyone and every massage therapist has a different style. For you to have a good pleasant experience you should be aware of certain things when choosing the best massage for you.

To find the best therapist for you, do a little self assessment before you make an appointment. Make sure you know exactly what you are looking for. Maybe you want to simply relax and let the therapist flow with light pressure. Maybe you have an issue or problem area you want the therapist to fix, like a strained hamstring muscle or a tweaked shoulder. Another option is getting some energy work done. Feel the power of Reiki getting your Chi to flow. Maybe you're interested in Asian style of massage, reflexology and shiatsu. Using the centuries old practice to get your life energy or Chi flowing properly. You should have as specific as possible idea of what you want before you make an appointment so you will have an enjoyable experience.

Things to take into consideration when choosing a therapist, so you will have a good massage session. First thing is pressure, if you're looking for a deep pressure its best to choose a therapist that has some natural size and strength to them. Gender isn't necessarily that important for size and strength but make sure to ask them if they can make it pain free as possible. Fitness level should also be taken into effect if you're looking for a sports massage it would be the best option to choose a therapist with a regular fitness practice. If you're looking to be pampered and indulge in a relaxing therapeutic style you should find a therapist who practices Tai Chi or yoga and is trained with a flowing style. If your looking for a deep tissue massage its best to find a therapist with an extensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology so they can give you a good massage while not hurting you. If you want a little bit of everything then ask the therapist what types of styles they know and what kind of massages they can perform.

Make sure you communicate, all therapists are not mind readers and even the most sensitive and aware therapists can't always be perfect for you without good open communication. Speak up if it's hurting or ask for more pressure if not deep enough. Be as specific as possible, details are important, if you want 45 minutes on your legs and 15 minutes only on your back ask for it. Find the right therapist for you is your job because all therapists are not the same. What school they went to is only a minor detail as many great therapists have never attended school and many below average therapists have extensive degrees and training. Find one that has the right touch for you and enjoy your session.

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About the Author

Erik Jacobson, Hands of Eye Mobile Massage
San Clemente, CA 92672

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