Improve Your pH
By Tami Cole
Here are Five steps you can follow to improve your health and increase your alkaline reserve status:
1. Balancing your pH with fresh vegetables & fruits. Eat at least 3 servings of fresh fruit per day. Try different types, like an orange, an apple and 1 cup of berries, the more variety, the better. Different colors of fruits & vegetables, give us different nutrients.
2. Eat as many vegetables as you can. 6 to 7 servings is so good for your body. You may have to start out slow. Try adding one new serving of fruit or vegetables each day until you get the recommended daily allowance (RDA) Raw is best, you can mix them in salads or have them as a snack with a homemade dip. Take 1/2 cup plain Greek organic yogurt and thoroughly mix in about 1/2 teaspoon dill weed (or other unsalted spice), it makes a great dip. (See another recipe below)
3. Add more cooked vegetables to each meal, but don’t overcook the vegetables, leave them a bit crunchy,add more to soups
4. Eat fewer high protein foods. Eat smaller portions of beef, poultry, pork, and fish, while continuing to add more raw & cooked vegetables to meals.
5. Begin to lessen the amount of sugar, salt, coffee, tea, cola drinks, and processed foods.
Cottage-Cheese Veggie Dip: Servings 1 Time: 5 mins Quick Meal Contains Dairy Vegetarian GERD-friendly Nutritional Info (Per serving): Calories: 120, Saturated Fat: 1g, Sodium: 561mg, Dietary Fiber: 2g, Total Fat: 2g, Carbs: 14g, Cholesterol: 10mg, Protein: 14g
Ingredients 1/2 cup(s) cottage cheese, low-fat (Organic if you can find it or like Cabot’s) 1/4 teaspoon lemon-pepper seasoning 1/2 cup(s) carrot(s), baby 1/2 cup(s) peas, snow, or snap peas
Preparation: Combine cottage cheese and lemon pepper. Serve with carrots and peas or your favorite low GI vegetables. (Organic cottage cheese & yogurt are slightly acidic, but when mixed with the vegetables, it will be less acid forming in your body)
I encourage you to make dietary changes slowly. Rapid changes will cause toxins to be dumped into your system which is already bogged down and make you feel worse! As you make these changes slowly, you’ll begin to crave wholesome foods and adding AIM’s BarleyLife, JustCarrots and LeafGreens is a simple and easy way to add all the benefits of fresh, live fruits & vegetables without the hassle of cleanup when juicing the ingredients yourself…Go to
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About the Author
 | Tami Cole, My Fathers Wellness 34 Nottingham Road Raymond, NH 03077 ( 603) 895-2457
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