Improving Your Skills: Your Way to Be More Persuasive.
By David Rodriguez
In network marketing certain skills are necessary to produce results. I'm talking about the skills that most leaders talk about during the preliminary steps after joining a company.
-Having a clear “Why” -Goal setting -Strategy -Working together with your sponsor (until you learn it, so you can teach the same) -Signing people up -Training them -Process repeats
Pretty simple ah? It really is. The idea is to understand it 100%, then do it everyday and improve, improve, improve. Repetition is the mother of skill. Every professional marketer went through this process until a level of excellence was achieved (that itself builds confidence).
Most people don’t see what’s behind the curtain; years of frustration, lots of hard work and countless hours of studying. There are great sources of inspiration but when it comes to do the work, nothing can replace it, no one can do it for you. You have to go through that process yourself.
How can you improve what you have already learned? First, don’t stop doing it. Second, keep yourself focused on the results you get (most people don't do this). Example: If you spend 15 minutes on the phone with a prospect to get the result you are looking for. Try 10 minutes so you can go through more prospects the same day. If that works-it's working and you are improving!
If after doing a 30 minute presentation you get the results you want, adjust your presentation and try 20 minutes, maybe you get the same results and have more time to go thought more presentations and become more productive.
Want to improve your voice or how persuasive you are when speaking? Record yourself and pretend you are doing a presentation, initial interview or a casual conversation. Criticize yourself or get others to give you their constructive opinion and change a few sentences (or whatever needs to be changed) to sound more persuasive, informative or interesting.
There are many things you can do, but everything is measured on the results you obtain each and every time with the skills you've developed. When you see that you can obtain the same level of efficacy working less means that you have improved your skills tremendously.
The same concept applies when working online. You will find sources of information to help you accomplish your daily tasks faster than ever. Try many different ways to boost your creativity to create unbelievable content, generate traffic, increase the number of people on your list, create your own products, etc.
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About the Author
 | David Rodriguez Houston, TX 77057
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