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Invoice Financing - Purchase Order Financing

The reality is that invoice financing is a financial tool that offers funding enabling you to access funds tied up in unpaid invoices. If you are waiting 30-60-90 days to get paid you are under utilizing those assets.

It really doesn't matter whether you operate a small manufacturing business or a large transportation company you need to liquid assets to take advantage when the opportunities arise.

Invoice financing offers you the flexibility that you are going to be looking for when the time arises.

The reason Invoice Financing has become so popular is the flexibility from which funding can be acquired. Submit a partial invoice or submit the whole thing. Submit an Invoice for Financing once a year or submit them daily it really doesn't matter. Once you have an account set up it's up to you. You control the when the need for liquidity arises.

When companies need to improve their cash flow Invoice Financing significantly increases liquidity in the absence of traditional bank loans. Bankers can be slow to make a finance decision costing you opportunities that your competitors will gladly take advantage of.

Once you have delivered the goods or services you are eligible to submit your invoices for financing. The typical time frame can be funded in as little as 24 hours. You will get up to 95% of your invoice advanced to you the finance company will then advance the remaining percentage once the invoice is collected upon minus their finance fee.

It's fast and easy with very little paperwork necessary to complete the transactions.

Obtain financing without adding debt to your business. Debt can be burdensome making large payments month in and month out. It can also lead to stress and bad decision making. When you have large amounts of debt it also makes your balance sheets unattractive for potential investors or buyers.

Flexible Business Finance Options

If you have a lot of outstanding business invoices clearing them from your books can be a great way to show potential buyers how clean your books are. This makes perfect sense if your end game is to build up your business and offer it for sale.

In most cases Invoice Financing makes sense for businesses. If you are in need of a relationship with an invoice financing company contact NorthWest Finance we have the resources to fund from the smallest invoice to the largest outstanding invoices. From small local companies to large corporations you can take advantage of invoice finance to provide liquidity for your next big business move

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About the Author

Mike M, NorthWest Finance
Saint Paul, MN 55115

Contact Author: request info

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