It's a "What Do You Do Statement," Not a "How Do You Do" Statement
By Karen Frank
In what must be a weird, coincidental frenzy, I am suddenly running into dozens of entrepreneurs who have confused a Mission Statement with a 'What Do You Do Statement."
Both are important and they are NOT the same thing.
Most business schools with teach you that you need to have a Mission Statement. This is the thing that keeps you on task, on purpose. It can inspire you and help in the creation of your brand.
A "What Do You Do" statement is traditionally an explanation of WHAT you do and how you do it. Of course my students and readers know that a "What Do You Do" statement is most effective when you can describe the problem you solve and for whom you solve it.
Think about it like this: If what you are saying is about you - it's a mission statement. If it focuses on other people and how you help them, it's probably a "what do you do" statement.
Here are some examples:
"How Do You Do" statements:
I use essential oils and massage to help pregnant women feel better.
I do workshops and write music and books that make people feel more connected.
I teach classes and workshops and offer home study courses on marketing and networking.
"What Do You Do" statements
I help pregnant women prepare for shorter, easier births.
I help workshop leaders get exponentially better results for their students.
I teach entrepreneurs how to talk about their business so they get the results that they want.
Do you see the difference?
So the next time you are crafting your "What Do You Do" statement, be sure to focus on the problem you solve for a specific group of people, rather than how you solve it.
You'll be glad you did.
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Networking Expert, Karen Frank publishes Networking News, a semi-monthly newsletter devoted to helping you avoid marketing disasters and networking faux pas. Get the home study course "The Seven Deadly Sins of Networking and How to Avoid them" Free when you sign up for Networking News at
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About the Author
 | Karen Frank, 3 E Communications 1934 Contra Costa Blvd. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 925-279-1004
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