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Learning About Astrology

Astrology is a tool to help us see ourselves and others differently. Astrology is a guide to personality structure, and the path of the soul. Astrology is one of many keys that fit the door of the unconscious so that we can get a glimpse of who we are, and our place in the universe. Astrology is a spiritual science that involves the relationship between the larger universe outside us and the personal universe within us. All of us are involved in the same process of soul development and growth. The planets in our solar system have certain vibrations which we react to unconsciously. We call these vibrations urges or inclinations, but, because they are urges only, we can bring them under control by the use of our free will. Free will means the ability to make our own personal choice. Free will can change the direction of our life at any time we decide to use it. Our will is our life.

Avoid newspaper, magazine and even online astrological "forecasts." While these forecasts may be entertaining, informative and even moderately accurate, they do not promote the inner growth that astrology can prompt. Avoid astrologers who insist they have something important or compelling to report to you - regardless of how accurate their report sounds.

Explore websites, books and authors that attempt to provide you with information that can become a tool that you can use yourself for your growth. There are lots of competent astrologers and most of them will avoid commercializing this cosmic science. It's tempting to view astrology as a crystal ball, but this limits the overall value of astrology and does not empower you to look within and grow from there.

Consider these quotes by Carolyn Myss, M.A., and Dr. Norman Shealy, respectively: "For me, astrological influences are authentic, but not as commonly thought of by people who assume that astrology is a form of fortune telling. It is not. It is the study of the influences of the energies of the planets on the entire system of life, including human life. That we are part of a whole is a given. That individual parts of that whole radiate certain qualities is natural. Astrological influences do not control one's life; they merely indicate potentials and possibilities."

"Astrological influences have been part of the folklore for thousands of years. There is some evidence for influences of sun signs, rising signs, and moon signs upon our personalities. Partly related to biorhythm(the lunar month coincides with one of the cycles), astrological influences may not be as influential as your parents, but what is their role in health?"

How Astrology Works: At the moment of birth you took into your body, with the first breath, the vibrations manifested on that day and time at that particular spot on earth. This basic pattern goes with you throughout life. The birthchart shows our potentials and tendencies. “We aren’t who we are because of when we are born. We are born when and where we are born so that we may become who we are meant to be.”

The stars impel, they do not compel. Your will is your life. An understanding of planetary influences allows us to take our life into our own hands and intelligently utilize these influences.

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Kim Carson, Holistic Wellness Center of Klamath Falls
Main Street
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

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