By Frank Agin
Successful networking requires a multi-faceted attack. That is, to have a highly productive network you need to involve yourself in the world from lots of different angles.
You need to continually work your contacts in your structured networking group, such as AmSpirit Business Connections, BNI, or Gold Star Referral.
You need to make a point of attending various networking functions. These might include events such as chamber after hours, trade shows and business open houses.
And you need to also engage in free-form networking. This would include things such as individual face-to-face meetings, a round of golf or other activities where you connect with others in an informal manner.
In addition, to be a successful networker in the 21st century, you need to embark upon a degree of networking using specifically designed Internet websites.
You should cast a presence on LinkedIn. Or, you should involve yourself on Facebook. Or, you should work yourself onto one of the many other social networking websites out there.
Using any one of these websites can be a great means of adding another weapon in your networking arsenal. After all, these websites have a worldwide reach and operate literally around the clock.
The reality is, however, that LinkedIn, Facebook or any other form of online social media is just a tool in the networking process. It aids you in the development of relationship, but none of these replaces the need for good old fashioned networking altogether.
Call this LinkedWorking – applying real world networking habits on social networking websites.
If you want to be successful using online social media, you need to follow the same rules you would use when networking in the real world. Call this LinkedWorking – applying real world networking habits on social media websites.
Some examples of LinkedWorking include:
• See Opportunities In Everyone
In the real world, everyone is connected – directly or indirectly – to opportunity for you. As such, you should approach everyone with open-minded respect.
This is the same with online social media. You should never dismiss someone because of the content of their profile or their stature in life. You just never know with whom they are connected.
• Lead A Life Of Altruism
In the real world, the number one way to be successful in networking is to commit to giving to the world around you.
The same holds true for online social media. With everyone that you connect, ask yourself, “How can I help this person?” Then commit to taking action. If you do, things will come back to you in spades.
• Take Consistent Action
In the real world, a flurry of networking once or twice a year generally yields very little.
This sort of binge networking does no better when it comes to online social media. When you network online, as in the real world, commit to taking consistent moderate action. Over time, you will be amazed at all that comes your way using this approach.
• Persist Patiently
In the real world, building strong relationships takes time. It is more like a crock pot than a microwave.
With online social networking, the same is true – patience is a critical ingredient.
Successful networking requires you to work on several different fronts. In the 21st century, one such front should includes social media.
To successfully operate on this technological front, however, you need to practice LinkedWorking. That is, do the same things in networking online that you would do in the real world.
Need to find a networking group? Get matched to business networking groups in your area.
About the Author
 | Frank Agin, AmSpirit Business Connections 158 W. Johnstown Road Columbus, OH 43230 (614) 476-5540
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