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Merry Christmas! - You Are A Gift

Just like the packages under the Christmas tree, you too are filled with gifts. The challenge is that most of you are not even aware of all the gifts you possess. Or you don’t identify some of your qualities as gifts.

There are really two kinds of gifts. The gift you truly love and the gift that is comprised of several gifts that all go together. Let’s take a closer look at both of these.

Gift we love:

Like the package we open and know immediately that we love what’s inside when we see it, we can all identify at least one gift that we possess that we truly treasure. Perhaps you’re a great singer, dancer, artist, or you are great at organizing things, or you’re a great listener etc. Whatever this gift is, it is easy to identify because we are praised for this gift over and over. I have always been praised for my singing. People always ask me to sing at parties etc. and always remark on how much they love my voice. So this is a gift that I know I have.

Gift with many items that go together:

Perhaps you’ve received a scarf, hat and gloves or a teapot, sugar dish and creamer. It’s easy to see that these gifts go together when you see them together. But some of the gifts you have within yourself may not be as easy to identify as the ones in the package. They are there and while they usually support our bigger gifts, they are really gifts on their own. Examples of individual gifts that complement the singing would be perfect pitch, rhythm, intonation, and expression. They all support my primary gift of singing yet all are gifts in themselves. I could have perfect pitch but bad rhythm or great rhythm but be tone deaf.

So, on this December 25th 2013 whether you celebrate Christmas or another holiday, I want you to realize what a miracle you are.

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About the Author

Deborah Darling, The Presentation Pros Inc.
11085 North Street
Garrettsville, OH 44231

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