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Mortgage Fraud

Let's face it, you are excited, your long wait to buy that new home is finally over. You're Real Estate Agent found you the perfect house, your mortgage broker got you just the perfect mortgage, the bank is willing to lend you the money, you are at the closing with your attorney at your side, all the paperwork is about to be signed and that new home is just moments away.

At a moment like this do you really care what is written on your mortgage papers? Of Course NOT! Everyone here is a professional and you have your lawyer at your side so you know nothing can go wrong, isn't that correct?

The house of your dreams is finally going to be yours. Of course you will be paying for it for the next 15, 30 or 40 years but who cares, the house is yours! Well guess what? A lot can go wrong, beginning with the fact that your mortgage broker or lender probably over charged you by adding some fraudulent charges to your mortgage that you as the homeonwer will be paying for over the next 15, 30 or 40 years. A Forensic Mortgage Audit can find the fraudulent charges and get you back thousands of dollars.

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About the Author

Eleanor Spring, Spring Action Fraud Elimination (SAFE) /
PO Box 750
Port Washington, NY 11050

If you would like to re-print this article, please contact the author.
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