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Online Advertising

With everything now going online, businesses could not choose to ignore website advertising.

Competition has also become tighter ever that there are more and more websites created every day and you need to find ways to promote your company and your site as well.

It is a fact that most institutions, if not all, have web presence already. This being the trend and a necessity to increase your target market reach.

Majority of customers nowadays run to the Internet to look for what they need or want, thus it is a logical step to ensure you are not going to miss that market share.

So what is website advertising? Also referred to as online advertising, this is another type of advertising together with print and broadcast advertising. The point here though is that your advertisements will appear on the website.

Print advertising, on the other hand, refers to advertisements in magazine, newspapers or any print publication while broadcast advertising refers to advertisements aired on television or radio.

The twist in this kind of advertising is that whatever you saw on print and broadcast may be placed on the website, thus visitors of the said website will be made aware of your product.

There are top four reasons why website advertising should be considered by any business owner or company. Below is the list.

1) Cost-effective

Let us face it that advertising on print and broadcast will require a relevant amount of money. In print, the pages are limited especially in a newspaper and so the rates are high since a few could only land in their publication. Same is true with broadcast where you have to pay per second. In online advertising, all you need is to pay an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert and get a service provider that counts on a pay per click basis. If you are done with this, then you don’t have to worry anymore for other payments. Take note that you get to pay little less than other type of advertising and yet reach more clients as possible.

2) Easy to access

The website carries the best features of print and broadcast. Thus, it is a good move to advertise or promote your product online. The Internet has become an essential tool for everyone to get data – which print alone used to offer. But online also means visual as photos and videos are now being uploaded in websites – which broadcast pioneered in the past. Furthermore, your web advertisements are accessible 24/7. In print, it will be gone a day after. In broadcast, if you fail to get the gist of the advertisement, then you could not re-read it or better yet wait for the next airing of the said advertisement. In online advertising, you may access the advertisements anytime you want. And the impact of this is you get to make your product known 24/7 and not limited to one country but the rest of the globe.

3) Fast communication

Transactions in the web are quicker and getting a deal closed is much better online. This is because of features you may put in your website like the Frequently Asked Questions, downloadable forms, or request for quotes. This saves time for the possible client as well as saves cost for the company.

4) Measurable success

The best part of the website advertising is you are able to fairly assess whether or not your advertisements are effective. Because it is online, there are records of the number of visitors, their demographics and others. This would help the advertiser know their market better and design a strategy to get their possible clients’ attention. By doing so means ensuring success.

With all the advantages listed, June Spring Multimedia is proud to announce that we are now open for advertisers.

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About the Author

Jay Arenas, June Spring Multimedia
San Jose, CA 95112

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