Outsourcing Basics
By Jay Arenas
Outsourcing nowadays has turned into an effective trend for firms belonging in the Information Technology (IT) industry. Tasks that are classified as operations and developments are usually those being outsourced. If you ask why companies resort to outsourcing, the straight answer for this is to cut down on cost without compromising the quality of service and be still be able to meet clients needs. It is a fact that IT companies have so many ongoing projects. Software Development could sometimes be eating too much of their time, which is why they seek outsourcing service for the job. But IT firms should also be careful in choosing outsourcing companies.
Below are some reminders.
1) Know what you need
Set specific goals and the requirements to meet such goals. Having sufficient information on a particular project provides a set of qualifications allowing you to be able to pick the right IT outsourcing firm fit for the job.
2) Get quotes
Once you have outlined your project, look for IT outsourcing firms that offer the service you need. It is advisable to ask for written quotes from three or more different IT outsourcing companies. Compare and evaluate the rates and the extent of the service they could provide.
3) Do Background checks
As part of your research after you have shortlisted three IT outsourcing firms for your project, try to get feedback from past clients. By doing so this would give you an idea of how the IT outsourcing firm works.
Furthermore, it will help you come up with the wise decision in choosing the right firm you naturally may feel best for the job.
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 | Jay Arenas, June Spring Multimedia San Jose, CA 95112 4086002621
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