Permissions Clearance Contacts
By Janet Woods
You will need to contact the publisher to obtain permissions to use articles, photos or illustrations from any part of a book. You can find the copyright notice page typically on the beginning pages of a book. The address and/or the publisher will be listed. Write down all the information, especially the ISBN number. You will need that number and other information when requesting permission. The page number will also be important, especially in a book.
For articles, photos and illustrations appearing in periodicals and magazines, the best place to start is the publisher. The credits page of the magazine should be somewhere near the front. The information for the publisher will be listed on the credit page. In some cases, where the writer, photographer or artist is not an employee of the publisher, they will retain the right to grant you permission. However, if that is not the case, contact the publisher, they typically can tell you how to contact the copyright holder.
If the address of the publisher does not appear on the material, you may locate it in such publications as The Literary Market Place/ International Literary Market Place and Books in Print.
A permissions editor can do these tasks for you, which allows you to continue writing.
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About the Author
 | Janet Woods, CONNECT Forest Park, IL 60130 312 813 0472
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