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Real Estate Syndication – A Superior Investment Vehicle

Real estate syndication is a large part of the real estate rental market place. Real estate syndication is simply the pooling of funds from numerous investors and channelling those funds into real estate projects. Real estate syndication is when two or more investors buy a larger property, or a greater number of properties, than any of the investors could buy on their own.

Whether you're an experienced real estate investor, an aspiring real estate investor or simply interested in learning how to generate wealth through the art of real estate syndication, the syndication combines resources for the purpose of making investments in real estate.

The concept of real estate syndication can be pretty simple. However choosing which real estate syndication is the best for investment can difficult. One of the hardest things in the world to do is finding willing investors. Real estate syndication is made up of investors who have money to invest but do not have the expertise required to close deals. Real estate syndication is a superior investment vehicle that can be made more pro?table with the right team of investment leaders at the helm.

David Wedemire is a Principal with Bullseye Capital Real Property Opportunity Fund. We are opportunistic buyers of multi-family and commercial real estate who partner with accredited investors that participate in profits with us. Using our expertise, our vast network of resources and our experience, we pick, fix and profit from distressed assets nationwide.

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About the Author

Dave Wedemire, Bullseye Capital Real Property Opportunity Fund
336 36th Street #321
Bellingham, WA 98225

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