Signs That an Email SEO Offer May Not Come From a Legitimate Company
By Gregg Smith
This article lists the telltale signs that an SEO offer may not come from a legitimate SEO company. In my experience, email SEO offers that exhibit more than one of the below caracteristics are not from legitimate SEO companies. Personally, I would avoid SEO offers that exhibit any of the below characteristics.
The email doesn't indicate the name of the individual who sent it. Legitimate senders almost always sign their email messages.
The name in the email address does not match the name in the signature. Legitimate senders send from their own email address, not from someone else's.
The email address is from a free email server (hotmail, gmail, yahoo, etc.) rather than from a company email. While many legitimate small businesses do not have company email addresses, almost all legitimate web services companies do.
The email signature does not include the name of the SEO company. A legitimate company wants to build name recognition. A non-legitimate company doesn't want you to look them up on the internet.
The email signature does not include the SEO Company website. While many legitimate small businesses do not have websites, almost all legitimate SEO companies do. A legitimate company wants you to visit their website. A non-legitimate company doesn't want you to find them up on the internet.
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About the Author
| Gregg Smith, Agile Web Solutions Plano, TX 75075 469-667-7245
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