Six Simple Tips For Staying Organized
By Heidi DeCoux
Here’s some good news—staying organized is a lot simpler than getting organized. Follow these six tips and you’ll keep things in good order indefinitely.
1) Don't Put It Down, Put It Away - The Golden Rule of staying organized. Don’t just drop it on the desk—put it back in the place you’ve reserved for it. A couple of extra seconds spent doing that will save you time in the long run.
2) One In, One Out - For every new thing that comes into your home, donate, sell or throw away something older.
3) Make a Place for Everything - Find a logical “home” for every new item--and keep it there.
4) Do a Seasonal Clean Sweep – Four times a year, take an inventory of your house and garage, with a laundry basket in hand. Look at each item you own and ask yourself:
Is this useful now, or is it likely to be in the near future?
Is this important to me as a piece of memorabilia?
If the answer to both questions is “no,” then you should probably discard, sell, or donate the item. Repair the things that need repair and return them to their proper places.
5) Police Your Closet -- Take a good, hard look at everything in your closet and ask:
Does it fit?
Is it in good condition?
Is it in style?
If any of your clothes items fails one or more of these tests, sell it, donate it, or toss it. If your weight tends to fluctuate and you’re pretty sure you’ll be able to fit into an item later, keep it in a separate section or another closet.
6) Get a free Home Organization e-Solutions Kit – It’s filled with tips, ideas and inspiration to help you get and stay organized. Contact us below.
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About the Author
 | Heidi DeCoux, Clear Simple Living, LLC Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-821-1426
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