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Sponsor More People Into Your Business Opportunity

If you’re a network marketer than this should sound familiar, leave no stone left unturned, talk to any and everyone on your list, if they are 18 with a pulse than they need to hear about how awesome your opportunity is. This is how you sponsor people into your business opportunity. Despite all of the so-called online experts out there telling you that this doesn’t work, this is a practice that I still engage in today. The difference is that I don’t do this with intent. What do I mean you ask? Let me explain. I don’t leave the house with the intent on making “x” number of contacts per day. Instead I leave the house everyday with a mindset that I will build a new relationship or strengthen the ones I already have in place, and when the time is right, and “only” when the time is right, I’ll “share “my solution to their problem, not “pitch” my opportunity. I believe there is a stark contrast between the two.

I teach my team that pitching your opportunity is like throwing mud against the wall. If you take that mud, and just keep… slinging it, and keep… slinging it, eventually some of that mud will stick. Does it work? Yeah… but I heard somewhere once that just because you can stop a car with your feet… doesn’t make it a good idea.

Instead, focus on building friendships / relationships. When you focus on building relationships people open up to you and talk freely. Have you ever noticed that people who you have relationships with tell you their joys and pains? Have you noticed that they share their successes and failures?

When you learn to ask the people you have relationships with the right questions, they will tell you exactly what their problem is how you can solve their problem.

In a previous article I shared with you that it’s better to sell on emotion rather than facts.

Example # 1:

Hey Toni you ever think of ways to make extra money?
Toni do you keep your option open for ways to earn extra income?

Example # 2:

Hey Toni you got a minute? I was thinking about you. Remember we had that conversation the other day and you told me that you love what you do, but you just wish that you made a bit more income so you could afford to take the family on a vacation. Well I’ve been working on a project that’s been helping my wife and I solve that very same problem. Now it’s not for everyone. I’m not even sure if you qualify, but it could be an option for you. Let’s get together tomorrow so I can show you how you can take the family on that vacation you were telling me about.

In example # 2 you are providing a solution to Toni’s problem. Again this ties in to your prospects emotion. Remember facts tell stories spark emotions that drive sales, tapping in to your prospects emotions will ultimately lead to you being able to sponsor more people into your business opportunity.

Now I have to be honest with you. If you’re serious about trying to sponsor more people into your business opportunity, there is no pill that you can swallow that will make you “Captain Sponsor Man,” but it’s a fact that with this approach you will keep your posture and have more people interested in hearing about your opportunity without having to sound desperate.

This is just one of the many approaches that I share with my team during our regular training sessions. I hope you find it useful as you build your organization and try to sponsor more people into your business opportunity

~Terry Massters

My goal is to expose this industry to as many people as I can, and help anyone already involved in this industry to become even more successful than they currently are now. I don’t believe in luck so I wish you all the success you’re willing to work for. If you’re looking for someone to outline a plan for you to follow and someone to help guide you in the right direction so you can get your business moving forward.

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About the Author

Terry Massters,
Newark, DE 19702

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