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Stream-Line Your Insurance Costs

Simply put...It's 2010. It is the year in which our businesses will grow. It is the year that we start concentrating on running our businesses the way we know we can. Before we get into the changes being made this year to improve our businesses in place, before we start concentrating on more inbound money, what about the money leaving?

What can we do to "stream-line" our spending. The easiest way to make more money is spend less, right? As small business owners/entrepreneurs we are paying "top dollar" for all our sevices. We get no company discount. Everything is more affordable in "bulk", right? What if there were a way to be grouped in with other business owners like us. Wouldn't we increase our leverage when dealing for our business services? I think so. How about health benefits? What if there were a way to be put in a group with other business owners, allowing the insurance company to spread the risk amongst all of us, thus making individual health care more affordable? I'm telling you there is a way.

We don't have to pay as much as we do, but we do becasue we have no leverage. It's just us out there in the world, right? Wrong. Start off the new year with an increase in our "bottom-line". Let's start the new year with a good decision. A decison based from strength in our numbers. A decision that will protect your business and more importantly. your family.

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About the Author

Doug Lewin, Lewin Insurance Advisors
4651 Salisbury Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32256

If you would like to re-print this article, please contact the author.
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