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Supplement to my Article-Political Revolution- It can’t Happen

Supplement to my Article-Political Revolution- It can’t Happen

A question I asked in my article referred to above was “What can be done about it?”, that is how to change our political system. I see the beginnings of how our political system can be changed so that the populace has a greater voice in the choices we have to elect to a governmental position. Is seems that the TEA PARTY is the closest I have seen to be effective in giving the people a greater choice and whether you like it or not I think Glenn Beck had a lot to do with the development and growth of the TEA PARTY.

I’m still undecided about a third party but at the moment there is sufficient confusion and controversy with two parties so I think we should keep only two parties. When I was younger the Democratic Party was totally different in its agenda and ideology than it is today. Either one of two things has to happen, get rid of one party altogether and replace it with a party whose philosophy and agenda follow the basic American ideology as established by our founding fathers and accepted by the majority of our population or get the GOP to change their basic goals and philosophy, as the DEMS have changed, to meet those of the majority of the population. They should and maybe have to change the name of the party to dispel their past history. I also believe that it would be absolutely necessary to limit the length of term in office, as we have seen, the longer a senator or congressman is in office the deeper he gets in commitments to lobbyists and other special interest groups and the more he depends on the ridiculous salaries, retirement and other perks they receive. Senators and Congressmen are our employees; where else do the employees get greater salaries, more and better perks than their employers do. Which brings forth the same question I started with, how do you get the house to vote to reduce their salaries, retirement and perks? Well my previous question is on the right track to being answered so I guess I should have enough faith that this problem can be solved also.

Another aspect of our political system that bothers me greatly is the promises made by the candidates to get elected. They’re just saying what they think the people want to hear but once they’re elected those promises are forgotten and probably were never intended to be fulfilled. President Obamas campaign promises are a good example. I can’t see a solution to this one either other than to make good choices of candidates with lots of integrity.

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About the Author

Paul Viverito, Lindas Florida Photos
118 rroyo Parkway
Ormond Beach, FL 32174

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