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Ten Reasons Why You Need Renters Insurance

1. Someone Breaks into your apartment and steals your property!

2. While entertaining, someone slips and gets hurt!

3. Your kitchen fire creates $5,000 of smoke damage to clothing and furniture the unit adjacent to you!

4. The same fire damages your units' stove and cabinets... leaving your responsible!

5. Someone adjacent to you has a fire, damaging your property and they have no coverage!

6. While camping, some of your gear is stolen!

7. Someone finds your lost wallet and uses your credit cards!

8. A covered loss requires you to relocate... costing you months of additional rent!

9. Your pet damages someone else's property or injures someone!

10. The unit above you has a water leak, runing all of your clothes!

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About the Author

Josephine Leonardo, Shelter Insurance
Henderson, NV 89074

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