The #1 Critical Element That Most Business Owners Overlook
By Bill Hebert
There are many important marketing elements that most business owners do correctly, such as signage inside and outside of their facility, cleanliness of their facility, having a website, having social media accounts, etc. Many businesses also have blogs, autoresponder systems, adequately trained personnel, etc.
But, there is one that almost all business owners neglect to do – one thing that would grow their businesses’ sales and profits and do so quickly.
The missing element is Lead Generation. Having a lead generation system is becoming more and more critical to business success in 2011. Generating leads will give the business a reason to correspond with that lead – whether it’s an individual or another company (actually it’s the decision-making person in other the company). This correspondence can be an autoresponder system that sends important, interesting and/or pertinent information to the lead.
When the lead continues to receive that information (in other words, doesn’t ask that the information stop being sent) s/he becomes a Prospect. You can then include sales information about your products and services in the autoresponder series to the Prospects.
The end result of lead generation is sales. The steps are: 1) generate leads; 2) communicate with the leads – automatically whenever possible; 3) include sales information to leads who morph themselves into prospects; 4) continue communications; 5) make sales and produce additional profits; 6) repeat the process.
The logical question is, “How can I generate leads?”
Since over 97% of the buyers of just about anything start their buying process on the internet, you have to be there. And, I’m not just talking about having a website, especially if the URL is “”. No one, repeat No One, searches for “bob’s business” when they are looking for the products or services that you sell. They are searching for the product or service that they are interested in buying. So, keyword and SEO can be important in your overall internet lead generation system.
Be sure to include an” opt-in” on your website. You’ll want to capture the contact information of your visitors. You can bribe them with a special offer or something free to entice them to give you their contact information.
Also, you can use QR Codes to send people to your opt-in page. Put it on your business cards and everywhere else that people see. (Note: QR Codes have a multitude of uses in addition to lead generation.)
Of course you must include networking in your lead generation system. Almost everything you do should have a networking flavor to it. Don’t neglect this vital element.
Next, you’ll probably want to use the major social media outlets, too. Facebook pages, Twitter and Linkedin are the ones that most people and business are using today. Be there. Plus, you may want to consider using blogs at the same time.
Two of the biggest elements of lead generation are using videos and getting listed on all of the local and non-local directories. Most of the directories have a free listing which is usually good enough for most businesses. Once your listed on several directories, apply for your Google Places listing. They’ll verify everything you tell them and search the directories to see if you’re there, too.
Most business owners have some fears or misgivings about using videos in the overall marketing system. They think they are too expensive. They don’t want to be on camera. They think they need acting skills and training. Or that equipment costs too much. Or that … But, they are wrong. Check into using video. It is the best way to get the attention for your business today. Use it.
As I observe the marketing that most businesses do Lead Generation (with proper follow-up) is the number one most often neglected element that will produce additional sales and additional profits.
Plus, there’s lots, lots more to discuss about marketing your business, too.
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About the Author
 | Bill Hebert, Video Marketing Group 17 Beaujolais Florissant, MO 63031 314-438-5569
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