The Danger Game
By Jeffrey M. Nocera
Is Drew Carey hosting yet another game show? Alex Trebek branching out? No. The Danger Game is one we all play everyday and should know the rules of. Although our status as participants in TDG remains unchanged, our knowledge and misconceptions change frequently. Review the following and see how you score:
More Dangerous: Fire or Smoke?
You’re initial answer would be Fire, correct? Wrong. Heat and smoke from fire can be more dangerous than the flames. Inhaling the super-hot air can sear your lungs. Fire produces poisonous gases that make you disoriented and drowsy. Instead of being awakened by a fire, you may fall into a deeper sleep. Asphyxiation is the leading cause of fire deaths, exceeding burns by nearly a 4-1 ratio.
More Dangerous: Hurricane or Tornado?
Specifically, the answer depends, however, in general, Tornados cause more damage due to cutting a wider land swath and lasting several hours longer than a typical Hurricane. Given a longer time period, however, a Hurricane can be more damaging. Waters rise, causing mass flooding, including to basements and lower-level locations people tend to take shelter and hide. A Torndado’s higher winds can easily remove roofing, large signs (think the standard gas station sign), and other structures, falling them and adding to directly-caused damage.
More Dangerous: Lightning or Electric Current?
Lightning strikes earth ground an estimated 25 to 30 million times per year. Artificially-produced electric current is, for the most part, constantly present. The average Lightning stroke is 40,000 amps, compared to an average 1,000 amps for household DC outlets (including drift, or distance traveled). Furthermore, household electrical current tends to dissipate when contacting earth. Lightning, on the other hand, can form below-ground, fossilized tubes, called Fulgerites, caused by melting of the soil into a glass-like state.
The Danger Game is not one to be taken lightly. Keep safety in mind at all times.
Information provided by Jeffrey M. Nocera, Proprietor of ProHome Asset Inventory. Visit our website or contact us below.
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About the Author
 | Jeffrey M. Nocera, ProHome Asset 3820 Carter Road Bethlehem, PA 18020 610-317-0968
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