The Fastest Growing Minority
By Tim Richard
Economists, entrepreneurs and some of the most respected leaders and thinkers in the world advise us to look into network marketing. What is network marketing? It is an affordable way to start your own business, and as they say, nothing else recession-proofs you better than having your own business and being your own boss. Especially when times are tough, you are the best person to turn to for your well-being. And with the baby boomers aging, healthcare and wellness are huge places to focus your energies at building your business.
“Work is the reward, because the result of the work is about empowering people to live the life of their own dreams. And the more they are empowered, the more we are able to live the life of our dreams,” says Christa Way, entrepreneur, herbalist, psychologist with Life Force International.
The richest people in the world don’t work for someone else, not like a factory worker labors for the factory owner. So what I've done is decided to build a new business practice in which I merge taiji practice and teaching with nutritional supplementation marketing. It take consistent daily work to keep it growing, but it's growing and I'm happy with the results.
I feel I have an opportunity to cultivate my individuality in this industry, all the while contributing to the betterment of society and our natural environment. Not only to professional business world but to the health of individuals, ane even the whole of society and the environment.
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About the Author
| Tim Richard, Life Force International PO Box 1076 Durango, CO 81302
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