The Power of Name Recognition
By Debra Santens
Remember when you were 8 and you read the back of your cereal box every morning at the breakfast table? I grew up in a family of 5 kids, and without many treats to split between us, the one thing my parents always allowed us to do at the grocery store was to pick one special cereal designated for each child only. It was one of very few things in the house that was mine only each week. The cereal was a treasure in my house, and I remember sitting down to breakfast each morning savoring every bite knowing that even if my snotty brother wanted my cereal he had to eat the one he chose until it was all gone.
What did I do as I sat eating my cereal every day? I read the box. I read the back, and I read the side. I turned that box around and around reading even the nutritional value until it was time to brush my hair and jump on the bus. How long did that cereal last? Sometimes a week and sometimes less. Regardless of how long it took for me to eat it all - I read that same box over and over. I picked up interesting facts. I read about the toys in the box. I read any and everything that magical box had to say over and over everyday. I read that box each day as if it was all new to me every morning.
This same concept behind brand marketing is that of name recognition. If I asked you - What is an American Standard? Could most of you answer? Of course! You've seen it a million times..I won't mention where you see it - but YOU have! Have you ever seen an advertisement on TV for them? Have you ever gotten a flyer in the mail for American Standard? NO! The reason you know this company is because you recognize the name from seeing it over and over and over again. Repetitive name recognition branding. This is a company that have built their brand by being "the name" you know when you think of their product.
How would it benefit you in your business, or your business in total if you were "the name" people knew in your neighborhood as the "go to" guy/gal for your product or service? It's a fact that 87% of consumers do not want to travel more than 15 minutes away from their home for any product or service they need. Making sure your name or company is in front of your target market in your backyard is key to branding your name in this manner...use name recognition.
There are many ways to put your name in the hands of your consumers - think of the cereal box and start brainstorming from there. If you would like to speak with a professional at Drink With Me regarding how to get your name in front of your targeted neighborhood market we would love to talk to you about our unique concept! Imagine having your name on the back of that cereal box in 350,000 homes! It's the power of name recognition.
Need some help with marketing? We can match you to a professional in your area.
About the Author
 | Debra Santens, Drink With Me Plano, TX 75093 972-342-9536
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