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The Worst Thing About Worry Is That It Attracts A Whole Lot Of Relatives

Worries, like sheep, seem to flock together. One worry leads to another, and soon you are overwhelmed with the potential for problems. When you allow yourself to play the "what if?" game-to speculate about additional problems that one potential problem might cause; worries multiply, each making the next seem worse. If you must play the "what if?" game, play it to win. Focus on solutions, not on the problems themselves and the additional problems they might create. However serious your worries may seem when they awaken you at midnight, if you analyze them carefully, you will find that every problem has a solution. (Excerpted from writings by the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Visit them at

Let’s look at that again because it reveals a secret most people neglect to use. If you must play the "what if?" game, play it to win. Focus on solutions, not on the problems, or additional problems they might create.

Changing the “What if – then…” from a negative perspective to a positive perspective changes your mindset from one of doom, to one of hope, from I’m helpless, to I can do it, from depression to excitement. Let’s look at an example:

Negative: Business is so slow that “if” this continues “then…” we’ll have to close up shop, work more hours, lay people off; whatever.

Positive: Business has been slow so “what if” we hold a sale? We could advertise the sale as “by invitation only” and invite our best customers. Wow, we could have it from 8:00am to 10:00am before the store normally opens. We could reduce prices by 20% for our invited customers and when the store opens at 10:00am we could continue the sale to everyone at a discount reduced to 10%. We could have donuts and coffee and a raffle, maybe a balloon lady for the kids. “Then,” next month we could… See how that works?

What if that doesn’t work? Try something else! What if that doesn’t work? Try something else!

“Nothing changes until you do.” Jim Rohn

Changing your “What if, then…” focus from the problem to a solution (whether in business or in your personal matters) changes your whole paradigm. Can’t think of a solution? Join a mastermind group, talk to a confidant, search advertisements for ideas, discuss joint venturing with a complimentary business (not a competitor) and alternate having the event at your location and next time their location. I guarantee that changing your “what if, then…” focus will change your business, and your life.

…on your side

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About the Author

Sieg Weber, SRW Business Consulting
PO Box 7333
Redlands, CA 92375

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